In my capacity as a Clinical Counsellor I have been working in support of Residential School Survivors in their healing process, for several years now. It was in that capacity that I was invited to the first Truth and Reconciliation Conference in Winnipeg Manitoba in June 2010. I have been honoured with Survivor's stories and by bearing witness to their capacity to heal from the trauma and abuse they suffered through their school years as well as in the Survivors' ability to self-reflect and understanding the intergenerational aspect of the pain those experiences caused; I have been honoured in being witness to the Survivors moving beyond their pain and anger, many of them fulfilling the role of Elders and sharing and being in their communities in very nurturing and compassionate ways. The experience tells me that no matter what life throws at us, we can heal and move beyond the hurt and suffering and become better and stronger and healthier. I believe that tells us of our true nature. That is such a valuable experience for a counsellor, that anyone who comes to me for support and to heal, has the capacity to do just that- to heal and become nurturers themselves, (not to assume they aren't already). I can't stress enough how honoured I am by the experience, and I thank them for that.
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Rod Chant Counselling
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