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When we hear the word Intimacy we more often than not think of physical and sexual intimacy. If we think in terms of true "heart felt " connection it can mean so much more. Healthy and strong relations can be better thought of in terms of emotional, social, recreational, intellectual, and often spiritual intimacy. We may not have all, but a strong connection in most is more likely an indicator of a strong, deep and loving relationship.

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Rod Chant Counselling Services in Campbell River at:


625 - Suite B

11th avenue
V9W 4G5

Ph: (250) 202-0891

Open Weekdays

9:00 am to 6:00 pm.


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Rod Chant Counselling in Campbell River and Courtenay

Rod Chant is a registered clinical counsellor with the B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors

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